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Attempting a home removal

Some of you may only have some of your extensions remaining or may want to remove your extensions in order to use this time to give your hair a little break. If you are looking for a faster way to get rid of your extensions, then here are some tips to help you out.

Please contact me before attempting a removal.

Removing Resin bonds (loose hair)

- Coconut oil that you use in cooking is great for breaking down the resin bonds. Melt the oil with the heat from your hands and apply liberally to the scalp and bonds. I usually do this in the evening and leave it in overnight. Make sure you tie your hair back and put towels over your pillowcases to stop the oil staining. In the morning brush your hair through and hopefully this will loosen some of the bonds. Shampoo twice and apply conditioner all over. You may need to repeat this several times over a few days. Be careful to catch any loose extension hair before it goes down the plug, you don’t want to block the drains!

- You can use flat nose pliers to squash and help loosen the bonds. MAKE SURE THE PLIERS DO NOT HAVE A CUTTING EDGE.

- If you don’t have coconut oil then try a deep conditioner or even better, a conditioning mask and follow the directions above.

- If your extensions have been in for a while you will see a lot of dead hair come away when they are removed. Don’t be alarmed, this is the hair that you naturally lose every day that was unable to be brushed out because the bond.

Removing Pre-Bonded Keratin bonds

- These bonds are plastic based, and I don’t recommend attempting to remove them yourself. As the bonds are strong they should stay quite well in the hair. Please contact me if any become uncomfortable and feel as though they are pulling.

Removing Micro and Nano ring extensions

- If you wish to remove Micro or Nano rings, then you will need a pair of ridged pliers WITHOUT a cutting edge.

- Get a family member to help and gently squeeze the bond on the long edge to open the ring back into a circular shape.

- Be very careful doing this, if it crushes the bond back into itself it will make it incredibly hard to remove.

- Comb away any excess hair.

- If your extensions have been in for a while, you will see a lot of dead hair come away when they are removed. Don’t be alarmed, this is the hair that you naturally lose every day that was unable to be brushed out because the bond.

- Store the extensions the same way up (all bonds at the top) and secure with a hair band. Keep in a plastic zip lock bag.

Removing Tape Weft extensions

- Using a pin tail comb, insert it in between the two tapes to gently open them a little.

- You can now use nail varnish remover, conditioner or oil and put a small amount in between the tapes.

- With the pin tail comb, insert the tail and gently prise open.

- Place the two extensions back together and store all extensions the same way up with a band tied around them and in a plastic bag zip lock bag.

- Your hair will feel very sticky after removal. Put oil all over the root area and leave for 20 minutes and then comb through gently. Shampoo twice to remove oil.

- If your extensions have been in for a while you will see a lot of dead hair come away when they are removed. Don’t be alarmed, this is the hair that you naturally lose every day that was unable to be brushed out because the bond.

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