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Coping without hair extensions

I understand only too well that for a lot of you, extensions are what makes you feel like ‘you’ and coping without them can be difficult and upsetting.

This is not a trivial matter and you are allowed to feel down about not having them. If you want to talk at any time, I am always just a text or phone call away.

If you are feeling that you are unable to get through this period without your extensions or hair pieces, then get in touch and I can point you in the direction of some alternatives.

I encourage you to take advantage of this time and really treat and look after your natural hair. Ensure that you give it the love and attention that it might sometimes lack when you have your hair extensions in.

Here are a few tips on looking after your hair without extensions

- A lot of hairdressers are begging you not to cut your own hair during this lock down period, but I say forget that! If your natural hair needs a little trim, then do it. It will most likely make it look thicker and get rid of any split ends. Worst comes to worst most things are fixable with extensions!!

- Take the opportunity to do a lot of hair masks without worrying about losing your extensions. If you don’t have hair masks at home then coconut oil, olive oil and even avocados will do the job.

- Massaging oil into the scalp once or twice a week will increase blood flow and encourage hair growth.

- Take time to brush your hair gently. The extensions actually protect the natural hair when they are in so remember that brushing too vigorously could damage to your own hair when you are without your extensions.

- Brushing the scalp will also increase blood flow.

- Eating well, getting sunlight when you can and drinking lots of water will all reflect well on your hair over time.

- Finally, learn to love what you have. Be thankful that it is healthy and that it is enough to allow you to have your extensions.

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