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Information about the current Covid-19 situation

Hello all,

Firstly, I want to say that I truly hope you and your families are safe and that you are managing to get through this difficult period as well as possible.

I’ve had a lot of texts and emails from you all asking about the current situation and future and missed appointments. I hope I can answer some of those questions in this blog.

Many of you know that my partner has been labelled as high risk so it is most likely that when I get back to taking appointments they will initially take place in the salon I use in St Albans, or, if social distancing restrictions are relaxed, but the salons are still unable to open, I have found a private room that is also in St Albans, so this will be an option. Until the government gives us an update on the current lockdown situation, I will not know the exact dates on when I will be able to resume appointments, but I am hoping this will be no later than the middle of May (fingers very tightly crossed!).

I know by this time many of you will be beyond desperate to have your extensions removed and/or fitted, so I will be working on a way to rebook people and will prioritise those who missed appointments over the lockdown period. With those who were meant to be seen at the beginning of the restrictions getting the highest priority.

Once all those that have missed their appointments have been re-booked, I am looking into getting an online booking system to allow you to book without having to go back and forth with myself. Holding appointments while waiting for replies can get tricky and I expect to have quite high demand for slots.

In the meantime, I have posted some tips on how best to look after your extensions during this time, please do take the time to read it.

As always, if you have any questions or worries, I am only a text, email or phone call away and happy to talk you through anything you need.

I do have some removal equipment that I will make available to anyone that can come and collect or I can potentially drop off. I only have 2 of the removal tools so if people need them it will be on a first come first serve basis. All equipment will be soaked in hospital grade sterilising solution before and after every use. Please message me for more information.

Finally, if any of you are struggling with anything at all, whether that is getting your basic essentials, struggling with your mental health or just missing having a chat, I am always here and will do what I can to help you out, please just ask!

I miss you all, stay safe, stay healthy and stay home!

Lara x

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