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New Precautions for future appointments

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

The following is a list of the new precautions that will be put into place in order to reduce the risk of contracting or passing on Covid-19 during appointments. As I am sharing the premises, these rules have been discussed and enforced by the building and other business owners on the premises.

I will be adding to this as and when guidelines are clarified and will ask you all to review it before coming to your first appointments after lockdown.

Any questions, Don't hesitate to ask.

  • Suitable face masks will be mandatory for both myself and clients. I will have spares but as I have so many new overheads that I will not be passing on to my clients, I would appreciate if you could try to supply your own

  • Clients will be asked to wash or sanitise their hands upon arrival.

  • Hand sanitiser will be supplied and available for use at all times.

  • There will be a half an hour space between appointments to allow me to thoroughly clean and sanitise the room and my equipment. Please turn up on time to ensure that I am able to do this at the end of your appointment. If you arrive early, please wait in your car. If you are late, I will still have to finish your appointment at the original time to allow me to prepare for the next client.

  • All payments will need to be made via bank transfer, I will no longer accept any cash.

  • If you or anyone in your household are feeling at all unwell, even if you have already had Covid-19, please reschedule your appointment to 7 days after your first symptom of illness. I will also be adhering to this, so may need to rearrange appointments at the last minute.

  • Please attend your appointment alone. I am unable to accommodate more than one person in the room at any time.

  • I will not be able to provide drinks so please bring water with you if you require it.

  • Please come with clean, dry hair to ensure cleanliness and limit the amount of time that you are in the room.

  • Although we do have restroom facilities, for your own safety we recommend that you limit the use of these in order to decrease the risk of coming into contact with other people.

  • Please bring as few personal belongings to your appointment as possible. If you can, please limit this to the essentials, mobile thine, purse/wallet and keys.

  • If you turn up unwell, refuse to wear a mask or do not adhere to the above rules, I will be unable to proceed with your appointment.

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